A 60-Minute, Intimate Workshop on How To Defeat The Odds, Pursue Your Purpose, and Make 2023 the Year You Finally Write Your Best-Selling Book – & Hold a Published Copy in Your Hands!
By Dr. Nadine Collins
8X Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur, and International Speaker

Are you ready

To Defeat The Odds and Finally Write the Best-Seller You’ve Been Dreaming of?

During this 60-minute workshop, you’ll go from vague idea to publishing plan… with me – a 8X published author as your guide!


24th January, 2024 @ 1 pm EST

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How would it feel to hold your published book in your hands this coming year?

Not next year.
Not sometime in the future.

But a real-life, black-and-white, hard or soft cover copy of your story, within the next 365 days (or sooner).

I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.

God gave you this story. How can you keep that hidden?

You’ve prayed about it. You’ve envisioned it. Now let’s make it really happen!

There’s no better feeling than how you feel when you finally finish your book

And the feeling only grows as you edit the book, receive the cover art, send it off for publication, and receive your first shipments on your doorstep.

But I’ll be honest. There are a lot of steps – and many expensive mistakes you can make along the way – but that’s why I’ve created this workshop! You’ll receive my Purpose-Led Publishing Plan to walk you through the step-by-step process I’ve used to write a publish EIGHT (yes, count ‘em!) BOOKS that are beloved by women around the world.

This is for you if any of these are true:

➢ You have a message you KNOW you need to share.
➢ You have a business you want to grow.
➢ You want to speak on stages AROUND THE WORLD.
➢ You’d love to be a published author.
➢ You’re overwhelmed (or just too busy!) to figure out the entire process.
➢ You want guidance on what works.
➢ You need a bit of hand-holding to get momentum on writing.
➢ You need a little confidence boost to step into the limelight.
This is 100% possible for you—if (and it’s a big IF) you take action now.

Don’t keep putting off your dreams of writing the book that’s written on your heart.

Let’s Uncover Your Best-Seller


During this intimate 60-minute workshop, I’ll walk you through how to put together a plan for your soon-to-be published book, including:
The “pro-author mindset” you need to adopt to overcome any challenge that stands in your way to success. This is the #1 thing that stops even the most brilliant writers from getting their books out into the world.
How to break free of the frustrating stop-and-go writing cycle and uncover the REAL story you’re destined to write, so you actually look forward to those quiet hours putting your story on the page… and get it finished – once and for all!
The secret to crafting a best-selling title. The name you put to your story could be the difference between unpublished fizzler and NYT best-seller. Find out how to grab a reader’s attention with a captivating title.
Maybe you’re wondering who will be guiding you on your journey to Uncover Your Best-Seller…

Meet Dr. Nadine Collins

International Speaker, Women’s Leadership Exper & Empowerment Coach, Prayer Counselor, and Published Author. I’ve traveled to over 80 countries and counting, speaking, writing, inspiring, and empowering 1000s of women. What I’ve seen time and again is a gap between the work women do and what they’re destined to do. Having written and published 8 books, my destiny is to support purpose-led women like you to share their stories confidently.  Your people are waiting for your message. God is waiting. And I’m here to hold your hand every step of the way.
Join Uncover Your Best-Seller Today!
© 2023 Nadinecollins.com

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